My Mother's Obsession Has Become Mine
I like food - but I don't like to think about it. When my parents moved to the farm, far enough away from analog TV towers that the signal didn't come in well, and far beyond the reach of cable, they splurged and got the relatively new satellite television. Oh, the things they could watch - but a favorite definitely came to the fore... The Food Network. For my mother, it was a revelation. She would watch it all day. Record programs she missed until the DVR filled up with food programs (much to my father's dismay the day he couldn't record his Sunday Morning because of all the dang food shows). Sometimes, she would try what she saw on TV with varying degrees of success. As with many of these kinds of things turn out, there were brilliant successes and dismal failures and each dish was greeted with cautious enthusiasm. I didn't get it. Who would watch all these food programs? My mom, of course, but who else? Then I had...